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Medium Mary Marshall (Mary M.). Residue,
T.G Hamilton Slides.jpg




Between 2012-17 I was the Gertrude A Bowater award holder for practice-led PhD research based at the Centre for Fine Art Research, Birmingham School of Art working on the thesis The Supernatural Sex: Women, Magick & Mediumship: Assembling a Field of Fascination in Contemporary Art. The research utilised the philosophical framework of New Materialist Feminism, drawing on the authorship of Isabelle Stengers, Karen Barad & Elizabeth Grosz, to interrogate the performance and sexual politics of the female body within the fields of Mediumship and Magick, with a specific focus on the materialising mediums within the Thomas Glendenning Hamilton photographic archive.



​Director of Studies: Henry Rogers, Glasgow School of Art

Supervisor: Professor Johnny Golding, Royal College of Art

Supervisor: David Cheeseman, Birmingham School of Art & Tintype Gallery

​External Examiner: Katy Macleod, Reader at Kingston School of Art


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